
We are now on Mastodon
Feel free to follow us over there. We will still be on Twitter for now.

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Home Page

Welcome to 986themix, KkMX. We are an internet station offering a MIX of music from all decades and genres! Our aim is to keep all content family friendly as much as possible so that anyone can listen.

We have 4 different servers for your listening pleasure: Channel 1, which features automation and most of our live shows: Channel 2, for extra programming plus additional shows: and Channel 3, featuring magnatune and Independent artists. Magnatune is a label that promotes independent music artists and has released over 1500 albums in a variety of genres from classical to jazz. More servers may be added as we attract new DJs and dedicated listeners.

Miss your favorite show? No problem: go to our podcast. page where you can find all show's going back a month. You'll never have to miss a show again!!

If you want to have closer interaction with the DJs or get up-to-date information on what's coming up on 986themix, then keep reading to learn about our multiple options such as the listeners list, Skype, TeamTalk, and much more!!

Team Talk

We have shifted to account based users on our TeamTalk server. If you would like tojoin us on TT, please send an email to and include your name, desired user name, and password.Please note that you should double check the info you provide as we paste it exactly without any modifications.

During some of our live show's you can find us on TeamTalk. We also stream most of the show's when we are on the server so that smart phone users can listen to the show and chat with us at the same time. Feel free to hang out even when no show is on. We'd love to have you join us! In order that your experience is a pleasant one, we ask that you please observe the following guidelines.

  1. Do not share your user account with anybody. If they need access, then please have them ask for there own account.
  2. There will be no sexual talk of any type. This includes conversations/jokes about sex, making direct or indirect advances towards anyone online, or anything of that nature!
  3. Do not repeatedly come on and off the TeamTalk server. It’s fine if you come on and off once to see who is online, but don’t do it again five minutes later. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please either text or send a private message to one of the admins or anyone on the server.
  4. Do not do anything intentional to disrupt a dj or show that is currently in progress. This means, do not try to distract a DJ when he/she is talking on air by verbal or text means. We also encourage DJs to mute TeamTalk when doing Voice Breaks. Also, if a show is streaming on TeamTalk, do not use your media stream to override the show.
  5. Only channels that are designated as on air may be transmitted on a show or recording for later use. Anyone who does not want to be heard on a live show should remain silent during talk breaks and inform the Dj that they intend to remain silent. Private show channels are to be considered on air channels. Channels such as the main 986themix channel or ones that do not have the on-air designation may not be transmitted under any circumstances regardless of people’s consent.
  6. Please use headphones when coming on the server. This is important whether you are on the computer or phone. If you are unable to use headphones, please switch to push to Talk mode so that others on the server do not hear loud background noise or echoes. Also, when not using headphones and push to talk is enabled, please keep your volume at an extremely low level for the same reasons.

If you break the rules, then the following will occur:

Click here to download Teamtalk You can also look for the app in the apple or Google Play Stores. Screen-reader users will want to set up the accessible client mode on the computer.
After you have installed TeamTalk, You can click here on the TeamTalk Server to join us or configure it manually:

  1. Server name is 986themix.
  2. Server IP is
  3. Change both ports to 10023


Follow us on Twitter @986themix to recieve instant updates on current show's and interact with our dj's. Twitter will be used in the event of a rare site outage so we can keep everyone updated. When the station sends out tweets, we love it if you retweet them (especially if the tweets are about upcoming shows) as it helps spread the word!

We use identifying tags so you know who's posting. They are as follows :

More may be added to this list so keep checking back.

The Listeners List

In addition to our Twitter, we offer a listeners list where we deliver more detailed show information and station announcements directly to your email inbox. the list allows for interaction with dj's though we ask you keep conversation limited to eliminate clutter in mailboxes.
Listeners List add to your spam filter if not receiving messages.

our blog

Another resource we offer is the 986TheMix blog This blog is linked with our Twitter so you can keep track of all our activity. We also use this from time to time for publishing our news letter. Like our twitter, we can use it to keep you updated if there is a problem with the web server.

We hope you enjoy our station, created with you, the listener, in mind! Please let us know what we can do to improve and maximize your listening experience by using our contact form!

Thank you!
Herbie, Chanelle, and Jared
Your Mix Management Team

We care about your privacy! Please visit ourprivacy policy page for further information.

Copyright notice

Copyright 2014 - 2024
by 98.6 the mix in cooperation with the Jared Rimer Network. All jingles and promos are done by Nick Baker of Nab Productions. No portions of this website may be reproduced without written consent of 98.6 the Mix or the Jared Rimer Network.


We would like to thank the following contributers:

  1. the Jared Rimer Network for web hosting services
  2. Ultrahost our provider for Internet Radio broadcasting services. Please feel free to check out their web-hosting and streaming plans.
  3. GRC Inc. for allowing us to run Security Now!
  4. last but not least, Nab productions who give us our awsome jingles