19:37 1/24/2025 This issue has finally been escalated where it needs to go to get this resolved. While the lists appearing is a great start, and I'm sure we can add people to our lists where appropriate, mail can not be sent to the lists at this time. Logs have been looked at to determine that mail is not making it to the lists. We can receive mail to the owner address as we have seen several on January 24th, this issue is unacceptable to MENVI as MENVI relies on its lists for communication. This message is being cross-posted to MENVI and The MIX so both get the same message. More when we know it. (888) 405-7524 if you need us to notify you of the resolution.
11:33 1/24/2025 While the lists are operational, we are not seeing mail to the lists. We continue to monitor and we saw in logs that no mail was going to one of our lists even after sending messages. This has been reported and we're continuing to get this fully resolved for people.
8:22 1/24/2025 The lists should be now up and running.
17:45 1/23/2025 The provider has responded and no data has been lost. They will advise when things are back to normal. Please contact management if you want to be notified of the restoral of our lists.
Attention visitors. We are aware of a list issue that is affecting the network including this domain. We have a ticket in and we can let people know when its resolved by emailing management at 986themix.com and we can advise that the issue is resolved. Also, check social media like Mastodon or Facebook for updates.
All links to external content opens in a separate window.
986themix is proud once again to support th Make A Wish Foundation: Make A Wish 2024 Please help out if you can.
Welcome to 986themix, KkMX. We are an internet station offering a MIX of music from all decades and genres! We have 4 different servers for your listening pleasure: Channel 1, which features automation and most of our live shows: Channel 2, for extra programming plus additional shows: and Channel 3, featuring magnatune and Independent artists. Magnatune is a label that promotes independent music artists and has released over 1500 albums in a variety of genres from classical to jazz. More servers may be added as we attract new DJs and dedicated listeners.
Miss your favorite show? No problem: go to our podcast. page where you can find all show's going back a month. You'll never have to miss a show again!!
If you want to have closer interaction with the DJs or get up-to-date information on what's coming up on 986themix, then keep reading to learn about our multiple options such as the listeners list, Skype, TeamTalk, and much more!!
We have shifted to account based users on our TeamTalk server. If you would like tojoin us on TT, please send an email to and include your name, desired user name, and password.Please note that you should double check the info you provide as we paste it exactly without any modifications.
During some of our live show's you can find us on TeamTalk. We also stream most of the show's when we are on the server so that smart phone users can listen to the show and chat with us at the same time. Feel free to hang out even when no show is on. We'd love to have you join us! In order that your experience is a pleasant one, we ask that you please observe the following guidelines.
If you break the rules, then the following will occur:
Click here to download Teamtalk You can also look for the app in the apple or Google Play Stores. Screen-reader users will want to set up the accessible client mode on the computer.
After you have installed TeamTalk, You can click here on the TeamTalk Server to join us or configure it manually:
Follow us on Twitter @986themix to recieve instant updates on current show's and interact with our dj's. Twitter will be used in the event of a rare site outage so we can keep everyone updated. When the station sends out tweets, we love it if you retweet them (especially if the tweets are about upcoming shows) as it helps spread the word!
We use identifying tags so you know who's posting. They are as follows :
In addition to our Twitter, we offer a listeners list where we deliver more detailed show information and station announcements directly to your email inbox. the list allows for interaction with dj's though we ask you keep conversation limited to eliminate clutter in mailboxes.
Listeners List add listeners@986themix.com to your spam filter if not receiving messages.
Another resource we offer is the 986TheMix blog This blog is linked with our Twitter so you can keep track of all our activity. We also use this from time to time for publishing our news letter. Like our twitter, we can use it to keep you updated if there is a problem with the web server.
We hope you enjoy our station, created with you, the listener, in mind! Please let us know what we can do to improve and maximize your listening experience by using our contact form!
We would like to thank the following contributers: